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Bait ul muqadis: the most holy place for three religions


What is real war?

Bait al-Maqdis is the holy place of three religions.

    1) First Qibla of Muslims

    2) Jesus should be born for Christians

    3) Temple Solomon for Jews

Let's start with Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him). He had two sons, Ismael and Ishaq.

Hazrat Yaqub was the son of Ishaq (peace be upon him).

This is where the story of Israel begins. Israel is the servant of Allah. And this title was given to Hazrat Yaqub (peace be upon him).

When Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) became the guardian of Egypt, he was ordered to call his entire family, the family of Ya'qub, to Egypt. And a certain part of the land of Egypt was allotted to them. And it was said by Allah: O family of Ya'qub, there are blessings for you in this land.

Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) had twelve brothers, that's why Allah released twelve glasses for him. And so the name of this land became Israel after the title of Hazrat Yaqub. Which is also called Jerusalem today.

More or less seventy thousand prophets came from your generation.
Emerged on Then gradually they captured Palestine and other Egyptian territories as well. The Arab countries came to war against Israel, but by that time they had strengthened themselves so much that the Arab countries had to give up on this small country. The Christians also saw that nothing could be gained by fighting them, so the priests held ceremonies in regular churches and forgiveness was announced for the Jews. Thus, political and economic interests have brought each other's eternal and mortal enemies on the same line for two thousand years. And the words of the Qur'an also became true

Jews and Christians are friends of each other.

According to the beliefs of the Jews, they call themselves guilty if they fail to protect the Temple of Suleimani. They beat themselves with chains and leather to punish themselves. And cry to the wall.

They believe that in the third time they will have dominion over the entire world. For this they have to demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Which they have prepared. Since when mines have been laid under the Al-Aqsa Mosque. After that, the Sulaimani temple should be built and the coffin of Sakina should be kept there. They have also recovered the coffin.

But the problem was the red cow. Because according to their belief they are impure and cannot build the Solomonic temple until they are purified. And to be purified, a red cow must be sacrificed.
When the generation of Yusuf's brother Yehuda continued, all the Israelites who came from him were called Jews.

Time passed and the era of Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) came. When Pharaoh oppressed Egypt, you had to leave Egypt with the children of Israel.

During this time, many blessings of Allah Ta'ala were bestowed upon the Children of Israel, in which the mention of Manna and Salvi, abundance of springs, hunting of fish is also found in the Holy Qur'an. And there we also find mention of a cow, from whose udder the dead man came back to life by the command of Allah and told his killer. The signs of this cow were described by Allah in the Holy Quran. Which was a red colored cow and such a cow is still considered sacred by the Jews.

Other Prophets came after Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him). During this time, Bani Israel preserved some of the remnants of Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) and his time, the Torah, Man and Salvi in a box. It was a special ark given to Hazrat Adam by Allah, which remained with the Prophets from generation to generation. Which is called the coffin Sakina in the Quran. And this is dearer to the Jews than their own lives.

When Hazrat Dawood defeated Goliath and obtained the Ark of the Covenant from him, the Israelites accepted him as a prophet. And Hazrat Dawood (peace be upon him) started building a temple to protect this ark, which could not be completed in his lifetime. His son Hazrat Sulaiman (peace be upon him) completed it with the help of jinns and he also died in the meantime.

That is why it is called the Temple of Solomon.

Later, Bakht Nasr, the king of Babylon, attacked Israel and destroyed the Solomonic Temple. And Sakina also took the coffin with him.

Cypress the Great regained the city. The Jews were resettled here and the Ark of the Covenant was also brought back. The Sulaimani Temple was once again built.

Then time passed and Jesus came. Nauzballah, the Jews gave the titles of Dajjal, Illegal and what. From here the Jews became two separate nations, one Jewish and the other Christian.

The Jews conspired to put Jesus on the cross and Allah lifted them up to Himself.

After that, there were many small wars between Jews and Christians. Then the Christian Roman king Titus attacked Jerusalem with such ferocity that he destroyed the whole area brick by brick. Destroyed the Soleimani temple. Only one wall of which currently exists in its original state, which is called Dewar Griya. Where the Jews go and recite the Torah and mourn. Sakina's coffin disappeared without knowing where.

After the attack of Titus, the Jews were waiting for the last prophet. Because God had promised them that they will be given rise again.

This promise is also mentioned in 
Surah Al-Baqarah

"O Children of Israel, remember the favors bestowed upon you, and fulfill your promise (believe) so that we too may fulfill our promise."

One of the signs of the doomsday is that the Sulaimani Temple will be built three times. Which has happened twice.

The Jews were waiting for their Messiah and the last prophet that the prophet of the last days was born five hundred years after the invasion of Titus. Here the Jews got a shock that all the prophets are from the generation of Hazrat Ishaq, then how come the last prophet came from the generation of Hazrat Ishmael. And they refused to believe.

For Muslims, it was the sign of the prophets, that's why the Sulaimani temple was named Bait al-Maqdis.

At the beginning of Islam, it was ordered to pray facing the Holy Temple in order to convince the Jews. Because the Jews used to worship facing that direction.

Seventeen months later our worship was diverted from Bait al-Maqdis to Bait Allah. Because the first Qibla of Muslims has remained the same since the beginning. Which was built first by Hazrat Adam and then Hazrat Ibrahim.

During the reign of Hazrat Umar Riz, Israel i.e. Jerusalem was occupied by the Christians. He had built a church in the premises of Bait al-Maqdis itself. And in the place where the coffin was placed, they used to throw garbage in the hatred of the Jews. At the time of the conquest of Jerusalem, when Hazrat Umar went there, the Christians were angry. He cleaned it and built a mosque there, and named this mosque Al-Aqsa after the Ascension incident in the Qur'an.

The wall of the Jews was also present in the same premises, so they were allowed to come there as pilgrims.

Jerusalem remained a Muslim city until the Abbasid Caliphate.

After that, the Christians attacked Jerusalem again and captured it. Salah al-Din Ayyubi fought more than fifty battles against the Christians and regained Jerusalem. And then for seven hundred years this caliphate remained under the Ottoman Empire. The Jews also had freedom of their religious practices until the wall. And the Jews slowly began to settle in Jerusalem again. During this time, many times he tempted the Sultan of the Ottoman Caliphate to hand over Jerusalem to him in exchange for money, but failed.

And then in World War II, the Christian soldier Hitler killed Jews indiscriminately. About six million Jews were massacred and forced to flee to Darbad. During this time, he had realized that he now had to make his own identity. And many of the signs that preceded the final rise of the Jews in the Bible had also appeared. And they had accepted that their last messiah would now be Dajjal, thanks to which they would once again speak in the whole world.

They recognized themselves as a separate state by negotiating with Britain. Thus, Israel appeared on the map of the world as a regular country. Then gradually they captured Palestine and other Egyptian territories as well. The Arab countries came to war against Israel, but by that time they had strengthened themselves so much that the Arab countries had to give up on this small country. The Christians also saw that nothing could be gained by fighting them, so the priests held ceremonies in regular churches and forgiveness was announced for the Jews. Thus, political and economic interests have brought each other's eternal and mortal enemies on the same line for two thousand years. And the words of the Qur'an also became true

Jews and Christians are friends of each other.

According to the beliefs of the Jews, they call themselves guilty if they fail to protect the Temple of Suleimani. They beat themselves with chains and leather to punish themselves. And cry to the wall.

They believe that in the third time they will have dominion over the entire world. For this they have to demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Which they have prepared. Since when mines have been laid under the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The cow whose signs are described in the Holy Quran. Even then it was difficult to find them. Still for a hundred years he continued to search for the cow. He successfully experimented with using technology to produce children. Then, thanks to this experiment, an attempt was made to produce cows with such signs but failed. In 2019, they got five cows from an American state. Who had no hair on his body other than red. They were never used for work. In the next sign that they should not be affected by any disease, they were also tested on different animals by spreading covid all over the world and they were not affected by the disease.

Red heifer found

Mastery of Red Heifer

You can read it in detail by searching it in Google.

Therefore, they have completed all the preparations for the coming of the Day of Judgment and the appearance of Dajjal.


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